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The disadvantages of magnesium alloy plate

Views : 148
Update time : 2023-01-04 17:37:56

Today I will tell you about the shortcomings of magnesium alloy plate, so that users can understand this material. No matter what material is good, since it exists or is used, there is a certain reason, so it must have its own advantages and disadvantages.

Disadvantages of magnesium alloy

1. Flammability

Magnesium has a great affinity with oxygen, and it is easy to react with oxygen in the air at high temperature or even in a solid state, releasing a lot of heat, and the generated magnesium oxide thermal conductivity is not good, the heat can not be dispersed in time, and then promote the oxidation reaction further, forming a vicious cycle, and magnesium oxide is loose and porous, Can not effectively block the invasion of oxygen in the air.

2. Poor corrosion resistance

Magnesium has high chemical activity, its equilibrium potential is very low, and it is easy to occur galvanic corrosion when touching different metals, and acts as an anode effect. At room temperature, the surface of magnesium reacts with the oxygen in the air to form magnesium oxide film. However, because the magnesium oxide film is relatively loose, its density coefficient is only 0.79, that is, the volume of magnesium oxide generated after magnesium oxidation is reduced, so the corrosion resistance is very poor.

3. Poor plasticity at room temperature

Magnesium is a densely packed hexagonal crystal structure with only one slip plane and three slip systems at room temperature, so its plastic deformation mainly depends on the harmonious action of slip and lie. However, the slip in magnesium crystals only occurs in some crystals where the slip plane is inclined to the direction of tension, so the process of slip will be greatly constrained, and twinization is difficult to occur under this direction. So the crystal is brittle and breaks very quickly. When the temperature exceeds 250, the additional slip plane in magnesium crystal begins to take effect, and the plastic deformation becomes stronger.

In addition, the shortcomings of magnesium alloy plate can also become advantages, advantages can also become disadvantages, mainly depends on where they are used.

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