Titanium wire forms a stable carbide with higher hardness with carbon. The growth of the carbonized layer between titanium and carbon is determined by the diffusion rate of titanium in the carbonized layer.
The solubility of carbon in titanium is small: 0.3% at 850X: t, decreasing to about 0.1% at 600C. Due to small solubility of carbon in titanium, it is basically only used to stiffen surfaces via layers of titanium dioxide and sediment inside your lower akimbo domain. Carburizing must be carried out under the condition of oxygen removal, because it is suitable for steel commonly used carburizing powder against carbon monoxide or oxygen containing carbon monoxide surface and form the surface layer hardness of 2700MPa and 8500MPa, and see. It flaks off easily.
In contrast, a thin titanium carbide layer may be formed during carburizing in charcoal under deoxidation or decarbonization conditions. This layer has a hardness of 32OUOMPa, consistent with the hardness of titanium carbide. The depth of the carburizing layer is roughly greater than that of the nitriding layer under the same conditions. The effect of oxygen absorption on the hardening depth must be considered under the condition of oxygen enrichment. Only under the condition of very thin layer thickness, in vacuum or argon-methane atmosphere, carburizing human toner may form sufficient adhesion strength. Compared with this, the use of gas carburizing agent may form a particularly hard and good bonding titanium carbide hardening layer. At the same time, the hardening spread formed at temperatures between 950T: and 10201: was between 50fim and 50fim. With the increase of the thickness of the layer, the titanium carbide layer becomes more brittle and tends to flake t in order to avoid the inclusion of carbon due to the decomposition of rayane into the titanium carbide layer, the gas carburizing should be carried out in the inert gas with a specified dose of additives with a volume fraction of about 2% rayane. When propane additives are used and methane carburizing is used, lower surface hardness is formed. When gas carburized propane is used, the thickness of the hardened layer measured is very thin, but it has the best wear resistance. H2 is absorbed under the condition of gas-type carburizing agent, but it has to be removed again during vacuum annealing.