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What are the titanium wire drawing processing methods?

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Update time : 2023-03-16 17:16:20

This article will introduce the processing methods to pay attention to titanium wire processing. A metal plastic process in which a wire rod or blank is drawn through the die hole of a wire drawing die under the action of drawing force to produce a small section of titanium or titanium wire. Titanium filaments of various metals and alloys with different section shapes and sizes can be produced by drawing. The drawing wire size is accurate, the surface is smooth, and the drawing equipment and mold are simple, easy to manufacture. The deformation index of titanium wire in the drawing process decreases the cross section and increases the length during the drawing process. The cross section area and length of titanium wire before and after drawing are denoted by F, F and L and L respectively. The conditions of the drawing process are usually expressed as: the ratio of K to and is called the coefficient of the drawing process. When drawing ultra-fine titanium wire with diameter less than 0.05mm, it is difficult to pass the die. In order to improve the stability of the drawing process, reduce the number of breaking and passing the die, and improve the drawing production efficiency, we can use.. The coefficient K is greater than 2.0.

The reference value of the coefficient K of drawing process of different wire diameter is as follows: The type is divided according to the temperature of titanium metal at the time of drawing, drawing below the recrystallization temperature is cold drawing, drawing above the recrystallization temperature is hot drawing, drawing above the room temperature is warm drawing. Cold drawing is used in the production of titanium wire and wire. The common drawing method. During hot drawing, titanium wire should be heated before entering the die hole. It is mainly used for drawing titanium wire of high melting point metals such as tungsten and molybdenum. During warm drawing, titanium wire also needs to be heated to the specified range of temperature through the heater before entering the die hole for drawing. It is mainly used for drawing zinc wire, hard-to-deform alloy wire such as high-speed steel wire and bearing steel wire. According to the number of molds that titanium wire passes through at the same time in the drawing process, the drawing that only passes through one mold is a single pass, and the drawing that successively passes through several (2 ~ 25) molds is a multi-pass continuous drawing.

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